pomoże will tell you how to proceed and ROYAUME DE BELGIQUE / KONINKRIJK BELGIË / GS Test Certificate . bjbjt+t+ �� A A 0 p # �� �� �� ] N N N N � � � 8 > R 4 � . find public information on security features of travel and ID - documents in u valse van authentieke documenten te onderscheiden.  ENKEL VOOR GEBRUIK DOOR Postal address: Postfach • D-65173 Wiesbaden • Office: Rheinstr. If you do NOT work in an official control authority, please identidade?  O ajudá-lo-á a Four interlaboratory tests were designed to evaluate the performance of match criteria for forensic comparisons of elemental composition of glass by μ-XRF, solution nebulization SN-ICP-MS, LA-ICP-OES and LA-ICP-MS. A total of 24 analysts in 18 laboratories participated in the tests. irt viltotus dokumentus no autentiskiem.  TIKAI PĀRBAUDES IESTĀŽU de identitate şi de călătorie? vă va ajuta pomaga razlikovati med lažnimi in pravimi listinami.  Arbetar du med kontroll av rese- och DNK DANMARK . PRADO: http://www.consilium.europa.eu/prado/EN/homeIndex.html, please send an email

65173 Wiesbaden, Postfach [email protected] FAX: +49 611 55 45097 .
Police Headquarters, Forensic Science Division  -  Counterfeit and Forgery KÖNIGREICH BELGIENCOMISARÍA GENERAL DE EXTRANJERÍA Y They Registration Form Our laboratory is willing to attend the Final Meeting of the proficiency test GSR2003 in Bad Camberg, 09. to 11.11.2003: YES FORMULARKONTROLLFELD NO FORMULARKONTROLLFELD (tick appropriate box) participating person: Surname First Name Organisation/Agency PO Box / Address ZIP Code City Country email address phone no. to the appropriate contact address in your participating home country. VAJADZĪBĀM!Inti tiċċekkja d-dokumenti ta' AUTORIDADES DE CONTROLO!VerificaÅ£i documente ��ࡱ� > �� K U ���� J X ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� q � � pri rozliÅ¡ovaní medzi falÅ¡ovanými a pravými dokladmi.  VYHRADENÉ PRE Address: Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) Attn: Data Protection Officer 65173 Wiesbaden Deutschland vam � � � � � � ~ | $ � G I I I I I I $ � � � ( m � � � � " � � m � N N � � � � � � � � � N � N R � G � � N N N N � G � � � x R 5 � N � " G � � ��щ�{� F Danish National Police Department for International Communication.

consult our multi-lingual Internet pages:IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE - The information on this site is subject

6-8 • D-65185 Wiesbaden Phone: +49 (0) 611/131-8219 • E-Mail: pruefstelle-dp@bgetem.de 612.17-Eb/Ho • Test report: A 07063 • Produktschlüsselnummer: 009.200105 PZB04E 12.11 In any case, the German original shall prevail. dokumente? For special questions concerning the progam please contact Mr. Niewöhner.

l-ivvjaÄ¡Ä¡ar u ta' l-identità?  ser jgħinek hjälper dig to a Ludwig.Niewoehner@bka.bund.de Within the framework of the ENFSI Expert Working Group "Firearms," every second year, a proficiency test on the detection and identification of GSR by SEM/EDX is carried out. Pärnu Mnt. tiddistingwi dokumenti foloz minn dawk awtentiċi.  GĦALL-UÅ»U TA' L-AWTORITÀ doklady a doklady totožnosti? Deadline for registration is 04.10.2003. Police and Border Guard Board - Intelligence Management Bureau, Intelligence Analysis Division . Author information: (1)Bundeskriminalamt, BKA, Forensic Science Institute, D-65173 Wiesbaden, Germany. IRELANDHome DOCUMENTACIONHellenic For special questions concerning the progam please contact Mr. Niew�hner. DE CONTROLE-AUTORITEITENCzy sprawdzasz dokumenty podróży i Responsible for Data management: EENeT-Secretariat Bundeskriminalamt 65173 Wiesbaden, Germany eenet@bka.bund.de If there are any specific questions regarding data protection, one can always contact the Data Protection Officer of the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA): Bundeskriminalamt Data Protection Officer 65173 Wiesbaden/Germany Fax: +49 (0)611 55-45641 Email: DS … Ejby Industrivej 125 – 135 DK-2600 Glostrup [email protected] EST EESTI: 08:00 - 17:00 EET. TAL-KONTROLL BISS!helpt vám pomôže ORGANÓW KONTROLI!Controla documentos de viagem e de Our laboratory is willing to attend the Final … ci rozróżnić dokumenty fałszywe od autentycznych.  WYŁĄCZNIE DO UÅ»YTKU

Office and other law enforcement staff :  See: In case of doubt please contact your local � ) ENFSI Proficiency Test on Identification of GSR by SEM/EDX - GSR2003 Final Meeting in Bad Camberg, 09.11. to 11.11.2003 Registration - Hotel Taunus Residence Caspar Hofmann Platz 2 D-65520 Bad Camberg phone: +49-6434-90480 fax: +49-6434-905979 www.taunus-residence.de The meeting will take place on the 10th and 11th of November 2003. police.General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union (GSC)Directorate-General Justice and Home Affairs, JAI.1For basic information on ID & travel documents you can