In fact this is inacurrate as he shares the same span of river(Adelaide river) with a croc Nick named domintor. The largest crocodile ever in captivity measured 6.17 m (20 ft 3 in) from snout to tail, and weighed 1,075 kg (2,370 lb). So, where is the evidence? (Thanks to Hieu Nguyen) Panjang is a 5-meter long saltwater crocodile living in the Singapore Zoo. The photo is provided by Real photo. Numbers became low due to hunting. Lolong died in captivity, and dead crocodiles are easy to measure accurately.What about Gustave the Nile Crocodile estimated to be 20ft ++Hi Clancy, thanks for the comment! I’m really terrifiedGreat post! The fact is, this aggressive Nile specimen was killed in a safety operation near Puento Noire, Republic of Congo. The crocodile was captured in 1987 in the Finis River in the Northern Territory after attacking boats and causing a nuisance.Cassius is 5.48 meters (17 feet 11 in) long and is believed to be around 110 years old. would be glad to send you a photo1.If you were talking about crocodiles u would know that sarcosuchus imperator is the largest crocodile ever to live niggau and wiki is a bad place to search for facts only knows 40% of what could be searched so this may all be false plz check ur facts sir if ur going to create a website bout this (cough)idiot!But Sarcosuchus is not a crocodile.

Of course, they are big but we do frequently come across exaggerated stories of their size and behavior. I’ll be glad if you post the picture!look up the savanagh krys crocodile it measured in at 8.69 metersnigguh it’s a story there’s no proof to officially classify him as the largest everOK, I looked it up. Yes still no strong evidence, but I updated the article.A Giant Croc was recently rescued and released in Sri Lanka Thanks for the comment! Pictured: the skull of the third largest crocodile Krys shot Mr Pawlowski explained that crocodiles weren't aggressive when he was a child, claiming they largely left he and his family alone. Salutes to Philippines.You realise that brutus picture is photoshopped, right?Yes, it was the photoshopped one. Purussaurus were the largest predators in this environment at the time. Thank you so much for the comment. They have thick, scaly, heavily armoured skin. Even visitors are getting really close to him. He was confirmed as the largest crocodile in November 2011 by an Australian zoologist named Adam Britton.Lolong was captured on September 3, 2011, in a creek in Bunawan, Agusan del Sur, Philippines. Check it out, it has a great backstory. The crocodile, named Lolong, was captured and taken into captivity in the Bunawan Ecopark and Wildlife Reservation Center. It was measured at 19ft 3inches long and it’s bones is on display at the Kuching Museum. In this technologically advanced age it is not difficult to manipulate their size but here are the records of the 5 biggest crocodiles so far. He was 19 feet 3 inches long (5.88 meters) and weighing over a ton.Dominator has never been officially measured but it is estimated that he measures up to 20 feet (6.1 meters) and weighs over a ton. And I already wrote about it I love how they say Kris is suspicious just for the simple fact that they can’t believe it exists. The Largest Crocodile. Animals like this don’t die easily, have no real predators, and are good at hunting at sea and on land…not only that but they eat damn near was in print i think in Guinness book of a croc shot in the 1930s in the mackay Queensland area that was 33 foot and some inch’s, 4 i think long harltys creek zoo and green island both in cairn Queensland area had crocks in the 24 to 27 foot range when I was young i am 60 now. By Gregg L. Friedman MDWhat about this one: “The record size for a crocodile from Papua New Guinea to be considered authentic by Guinness was a 6.32 m (20 ft 9 in) specimen shot by Herb Schweighofer in May 1966 along the northeastern coast. It was claimed at 28 foot 4 inches (8.64 meters). Dr. Britton writes “The nongovernmental organization activist Animal Kingdom Foundation Inc., with the cooperation of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, had urged the local government of Bunawan to return Lolong to the creek of barangay Nueva Era, where the giant reptile was captured.