Respiration comes in three separate tiers and offers a longer duration underwater. This is a very niche enchantment, hence why it's not among the best.
Respiration is an enchantment that will only be available for helmets.
Although the player must have at least the level requirement to get an enchantment, the number of levels that the player is charged is the same as the lapis lazuli requirement. Essentially, each level of Respiration allows the player to breathe much longer underwater. Minecraft Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community.
Nevertheless, there is a significant random factor, and even a level 30 enchantment (the maximum) doesn't guarantee more than one enchantment, or even that enchantments are "maximum strength" — a level 30 enchantment can still yield Fortune II or Efficiency III alone, for example. The tables below summarize the enchantments that can be given to specific items on Bedrock Edition and in survival mode on other versions (in creative mode, any enchantment can be given to any item).
What does Respiration do in Minecraft? You will not gain the extended underwater breathing time until the helmet is worn.Move the helmet/cap with Respiration from your inventory to your character's helmet box.You will see your character's appearance change as the helmet is worn.Now that you are wearing the enchanted helmet on your head, you will be able to breathe underwater for longer without running out of air.Congratulations, you just learned all about the Respiration enchantment in Minecraft.In Minecraft, Respiration has the following enchantment ID and Name values:While using this site, you agree to have read and accepted our We use advertisements to support this website and fund the development of new requires JavaScript to work properly.
There is also an accumulating surcharge for prior work done on the anvil. In Survival mode, work that costs more than 39 levels of experience is refused although it may still be possible to perform the same work in steps.
It also helps you see better underwater.You can add the Respiration enchantment to any helmet or leather cap using an The maximum level for the Respiration enchantment is Level 3. Through an enchanting table in exchange for experience points and lapis lazuli. Through an anvil, combining an enchanted bookwith an item. This Minecraft tutorial explains the Respiration enchantment with screenshots and step-by-step instructions.The Respiration enchantment is available in the following versions of Minecraft:* The version that it was added or removed, if applicable.The Respiration enchantment extends how long you can breathe underwater. If applied to other armor pieces using commands, the effect still takes place. Respiration is a helmet related enchantment present in Minecraft, which helps the players to have some safety while getting deep into the water. A player may also obtain items already enchanted: 1. The level requirement influences the quantity, type, and level of enchantments instilled in the item, with a higher experience level generally resulting in more and/or higher-level enchantments.
Other combinations are possible in creative mode or with cheats, mods, or third-party software. Issues relating to "Enchanting" are maintained on the A diamond pickaxe with multiple high-level enchantments, right after enchanting. Combining two enchanted items, books or one of each with the same enchantment at the same level produces an item or book with the next higher level of that enchantment up to the maximum allowed in survival mode; for example, a book with The experience cost depends on the enchantments, with highly enchanted items costing more. Through a villager, who may trade some enchanted items for e… There are three ways to enchant an item in Survival mode:
For example, if the third enchantment listed is a level 30-50 enchantment, the player must have at least 30 levels, pays only 3 levels and 3 lapis lazuli. This means that you can enchant an item with up to Respiration III. Only unenchanted items may be enchanted this way. The enchantments for a particular enchantment level (with the same seed and item) do also differ depending on which row they appear in, but they are not "better" or "worse" based on the row despite the different resource costs. Enchantments that can be applied to both hand slot items and armor slot items are listed in both tables.
Respiration will help you increase your breathing when you are under the water by 15 second on each level of enchantment. Thus, if none of the available enchantments for a tool are desired, 1 Changing the enchantment levels offered by adding, removing, or blocking bookshelves alters the enchantments shown, but does not change possible enchantments; using another enchanting table with the previous bookshelf number still shows the previous enchantments. The bubbles that show the player's oxygen level will therefore deplete much slower than usual. Respiration is an enchantment added by vanilla Minecraft.
There are three ways to enchant an item in Survival mode: 1. 3. The target item can also be renamed, at additional cost. Through an anvil, combining two of the same item with different existing enchantments into a single item that has the enchantments of both.