alibaba group offerings Tmall Taobao Marketplace Freshippo Alibaba Health Lingshoutong AliExpress Lazada Group Kaola Koubei Fliggy Youku Alibaba Pictures Damai Amap DingTalk Cainiao Network Alimama Ant Group Alibaba Cloud Alisports Alibaba Entrepreneurs Fund Alibaba Global Initiatives In addition, Ant Group, an unconsolidated related party, provides payment services and offers financial services for consumers and merchants on our platforms. There are three main ways that your goods can be delivered from Alibaba: courier, air freight and sea freight.Courier – courier services are the most familiar option; these have pretty much the same process as buying something from Amazon with your goods delivered within a few days. Alibaba is the world's largest retailer and e-commerce company, and on the Alibaba is profitable Alibaba Group reported a 66 percent on-year surge in revenue to $3.06 billion in the final quarter of 2013, while net income more than doubled to $1.36 billion. Provided that your goods aren’t violating any intellectual property or copyright laws, it is perfectly legal to import white label products and sell them on as your own.The importer is responsible for any liability; if you were to import a product and something went wrong to a damaging degree, you would be solely responsible in the eyes of the law. Little known in the West, China's dominant mobile payment firm is tipped for the world's biggest IPO.The comments from the online retail giant's boss come as the firm saw sales jump in the wake of the pandemic.Secretary of State Mike Pompeo wants a “clean network” free of "untrusted" apps like TikTok and WeChat.Investors will now have greater access to Chinese tech firms including Alibaba, China's answer to Amazon.Farming communities in South East Asia are embracing online selling for the first time during lockdown.The coronavirus lockdown has fuelled the market for teleconferencing technology apps.The Chinese firm Alibaba reports an increase in revenue as its economy shows signs of recovering.In China, the live-streaming industry has become an important platform for economic recovery.In his first tweet the billionaire said 500,000 testing kits and one million masks were going to the US.Representation of China's LGBT community is improving but many still struggle during Lunar New Year.Asia's fishermen and farmers go digital during virusWhy China’s LGBT hide their identities at Lunar New Year If you’re selling your goods on Amazon FBA, it’s easy to get them delivered straight to an FBA warehouse. We want to convert Alibaba’s resources into fuel for small and medium businesses, which will in turn support the advancement of the whole society.We enable commercial and social interactions among hundreds of millions of users, between consumers and merchants, and among businesses every day.We empower our customers with the fundamental infrastructure for commerce and new technology, so that they can build businesses and create value that can be shared among our digital economy participants.We strive to expand our products and services to become central to the everyday lives of our customers.a former English teacher from Hangzhou, China.

A digital economy has developed around our platforms and businesses that consists of consumers, merchants, brands, retailers, third-party service providers, strategic alliance partners and other businesses.The Alibaba digital economy generated RMB7,053 billion (US$1 trillion*) in GMV in the 12 months ended March 31, 2020, which mainly included GMV of RMB6,589 billion (US$945 billion) transacted through our China retail marketplaces, as well as GMV transacted through our international retail marketplaces and local consumer services. When you import a bulk amount of goods via sea freight, they will need to be processed through customs before they’re allowed into the country.

Can live-streaming save China's economy? Both are owned by Alibaba, but Aliexpress is a B2C (business to consumer) business whereas Alibaba is B2B (business to business); Aliexpress is the retail branch of Alibaba. A MOQ is the minimum amount of products that you’re allowed to purchase from a supplier. Alibaba will send agents to the factory to ensure that the factory is operating at the physical location that it claims and it and will look around the work-site. If you can prove that you did your due diligence and took all the necessary precautions when importing your goods, this can be a defence.Hopefully, this answered a few of your basic questions about Alibaba.