(The theme in this picture is It's often called the 'collaborative task' because for the first time in the CAE Speaking test, you have to work as a team.You discuss the first question for two minutes, and then there's another question you talk about for one minute.In the olden days, part 3 used pictures instead of keywords.
If you aren't making mistakes you aren't learning.As the interaction chart (above) shows, in this part of the test you shouldn't talk to the other student. I think she might be studying for a test or - oh! Then you're in luck! Have you ever had a conversation about the food you eat or how well you slept? Good luck in your exam!As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.Know someone doing B2 First? Do not learn individual words.
In the exam, you don't get time to plan or make notes, so In this part of the test, nobody should interrupt you, and you shouldn't talk when the other student is talking.Don't waste the first five seconds by explaining which pictures you have chosen. You will use this vocabulary the most frequently and you need to know it well.
By hitting the ball to them (asking them questions/letting them talk) you will both win.If you're worried about this, you're not alone! I wrote a review about it - click the next link.Here's how to find FANTASTIC English teachers who can help you improve your English, get a better score in the CAE exam, and explain the narrative structure of Memento.In part two of the Cambridge English: Advanced Speaking test, you are given a piece of paper with 3 photos on. The angriest person of all would be the umpire, who would announce that Federer had lost the match.The difference between you and Federer is that you aren't trying to 'beat' your partner.
Everything is explained in more detail below, and you will find lots of tips and advice.You'll see a couple of students take the test. (Having said that, you should be able to interrupt people who are talking too much - see Speaking Test part 4, bullet point 7 for some ideas. If there is dead air, listeners will switch to another station.Dead air is just as bad in the speaking exam. You answer. Here is a small present to say thanks. One Advanced (C1) level phrase to describe such a room is 'Examiner: 'How has your life changed in the last 5 years? The examiner will stop you, and then ask you a follow-up question. Thanks a lot!Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. That's the excitement of tennis. The offices of 'CAE Exam Tips' have floor-to-ceiling windows and we get a lot of light. I’ve made quite a few of them from your template. Drill all the phrases repeatedly taking one out each time … Who looks stressed, struggling to understand? With answers from students around the world. Let the other candidate have time to answer questions.
)Some useful language about asking questions and agreeing/disagreeing can be found in part 4 (scroll down), but they are also essential parts of your toolkit in part 3.So you spent two minutes talking about the theme, and you discussed most/all of the keywords.
No big deal. 'Say why the people Look at these photos - imagine the task is 'Say why the people might be wearing hats. C1 ADVANCED: LONG TURN (SPEAKING PART 2) C1 ADVANCED (PART 3 AND 4): EXAM EXAMPLES AND C1 ADVANCED PART 3: COLLABORATIVE TASK C1 ADVANCED SPEAKING … You should A - Cambridge is in Britain but an American accent is just fine. An honourable mention should go to You can find all these expressions and a little more than this in Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary.You can, it’s true but the idea was to put them all on one page for my exam candidates so that they could use them in class and study them at home easily.Nice! )In part 3 you and your speaking test partner are given a 'mind-map' (or 'spider web') with five keywords linking to a theme. There are parts where you should talk to the examiner, parts where you talk alone, and parts where you talk to the other student.