Well ventilated dram bottles or even 5.5-oz condiment cups work great for smaller slings. With time, as they mature, they develop the adult coloration; the metallic blue/green carapace and rich plum-colored abdomen. 32-oz deli cups or something similarly size work well for larger spiderlings. I usually start my slings off on an inch or so of sub.
With a tropical climate all year round, Martinique is generally hot and humid 12 months of the year, with plenty of rain and sunshine during both its dry and wet seasons. The #1 reason for a dead specimen of this species is misunderstanding these requirements.Put simply, excellent ventilation is required at all times. That means that if you’re going to handle your pink toe you’ll want to make sure that you stay nice and calm at all times to avoid startling your pet.Secondly, as with all tarantulas, its important to remember that falling from a height can be very dangerous. Many tarantula species have evolved over millennia to perfectly adapt to a specific way of life, so by understanding their wild habits we can more accurately attempt to replicate these in captivity.Martinique’s climate is notable for its stability. Caribena versicolor, deutscher Name „Martinique-Baumvogelspinne“ ist eine sehr schöne, mittel groß werdende Art.
You can join me on I did not measure the humidity, nor did I ever dampen all of the substrate. Species Name. Spiders that are not supplied with hiding spots and foliage tend to take residence up in the corner of their enclosures. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Although the substrate started off moist, it soon dried out. Add to this the fact that CMartinique Pink Toes are known for being one of the more difficult species to keep.Stories abound of high mortality rates, especially among youngsters, so this species should ideally be seen an an intermediate to advanced species, rather than one suitable for the beginner.That said, an examination of their wild habitat may serve to offer some tips as to why so many keepers struggle to rear this species successfully in captivity.One of the most critical elements to keeping tarantulas successfully in captivity is an understanding of their wild environment. The Avicularia Versicolor also known as the Pink Toe Tarantula or the Antilles tree spider is another recommend choice for beginner hobbyist.
These are awesome-looking spiders from tropical Caribbean jungles so if you want to you can really go to town and create a mini rainforest in your home. 60-70% Welche Terrarium Größe braucht das Tier? Caribena versicolor (Martinique Pink Toe) Care Sheet.
This prevents a stale, stagnant environment.
Stories exist of spiders falling, and either limbs getting damaged or the abdomen splitting.Therefore if you plan to handle any tarantula you need to be certain that if the worst happens and your tarantula does jump or fall that it won’t get hurt. Mind. Personally I use Alternatively a range of other arboreal tarantula cages may be utilized, such as large plastic sweet jars or all-glass tarantula tanks.One of the challenges when it comes to Caribena versicolor is that they are quite sensitive when it comes to moisture and ventilation.
This can be far from ideal with top opening setups.
Bei allen Avicularia und Avicularia änlichen Arten sollte man darauf achten, dass Stauluft vermieden wird, eine funktionierende Lüftung ( Doppellüftung) ist sehr wichtig. Martinique Wie groß wird das Tier? Many folks also use the smaller clear Amac boxes, which they ventilate well with holes on all sides. Caribena versicolor (Syn. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! I also supply a piece of cork bark and fake plant leaves for cover and to supply anchor points to encourage webbing. Die Art kommt in Guadeloupe und auf Martinique vor und wird deshalb im Deutschen manchmal auch „Martinique-Baumvogelspinne“ genannt. Come and join our reptile-keeping community and prepare for some exciting discoveries!