Green Bottle Blue tarantulas are known for their reasonably docile attitudes. This could result in them flicking their urticating hairs at you if you disturb their enclosure too much.Therefore, it's not recommended that you handle this tarantula (An interesting characteristic of this species is that it's an extremely If you're looking to bring home a Greenbottle Blue Tarantula soon, you need to make sure that its To begin with, this species is native to Venezuela. Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens (Cyaneopubescens Vogelspinne) ist eine Vogelspinne, die in ihrer Heimat Venezuela große Netze baut und manchmal auch tagsüber zu sehen sein soll. If you were to ask any tarantula enthusiast about their picks for the most beautiful tarantulas, there's a very good chance that Found in a small peninsula in Venezuela called Paraguana. An adequate hide should be available, as should a water dish. GBB's amazing colors and patterns that change as they grow. Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens (Green bottle blue) "GBB" are one of my favorite species to raise from a sling. Commonly known as greenbottle blue tarantulas due to their metallic blue legs and blue-green carapace, they are very active and fast-growing tarantulas that are particularly attractive to hobbyists. Whether you’re doing it correct or not, many males won’t survive their encounter with the female. Store the eggs in the incubator at a humidity of 65-70% and a temperature of 25-28°C. This can be done by layering the bottom of the enclosure with about 6 inches of moisture-retaining substrate.
If the male’s presence is tolerated, leave them together for a few days. They'll rarely, if ever, reject a meal unless they're starting to enter premolt. Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens Appearance. For $60, you'll be hard-pressed to find a tarantula that has such a remarkable appearance and manageable personality.
It's important that the enclosure doesn't become too saturated, though, so use a hygrometer to monitor humidity levels and make adjustments as needed.Greenbottle Blue Tarantulas may not be the biggest tarantulas, but they still need a plentiful and nutritious diet in order to grow into the stunning specimens that we all appreciate. Excess moisture in the enclosure can cause many different health problems, including death.Additionally, while it is rare, some tarantulas may encounter problems with their molt. Dubia roaches and mealworms should be used as supplemental food.A docile tarantula that can be skittish at times.
This is attached to a carapace that's colored metallic-green, which is a different color from their brilliant metallic-blue legs. The appearance of the Greenbottle Blue Tarantula is what initially draws most people to it. They are native to the Paraguaná Peninsula, near Punto Fijo.
The appearance of the Greenbottle Blue Tarantula is what initially draws most people to it. We have some absolutely stunning captive bred Greenbottle Blue tarantulas for sale at rock-bottom prices. Zach is a life-long pet owner and enthusiast. This experience has given him the knowledge necessary to help others become excellent pet owners. They are hardy, heavy webbers, have a great feeding response and grow quickly. There are very few species that have such diverse physical features.Speaking of size, this isn't a very large tarantula, with most adult specimens not exceeding a legspan of 5". Females and males can reach full size in about 3 years.Females reach a legspan of about 5", with males measuring slightly smaller.Females regularly live to 12 years, while males often only live to 3 years.The enclosure should have plenty of floor space and enough substrate depth to allow for intricate burrows. Chromatopelma (kroh-maa-tuh-PEL-muh) cyaneopubescens (sy-aan-ee-o-pyoo-BEH-sinz) * Adapted from The American Tarantula Society. * You might like to consider an adjustment of these data with your local climate. Name and Description History: Eurypelma cyaneopubescens Strand, 1907 Delopelma cyaneopubescens Petrunkevitch, 1939 Chromatopelma cyanopubescens Schmidt, 1995.