What is going on with this article? ⛴ Docker image of Nextcloud. After the restart, the new configuration should appear in the status query from the fail2ban client, which can then also be viewed in detail.To finish the configuration of nextcloud you can now visit your nextcloud instance (e.g. There are people out there who do useful stuff for free because they consider that it should be done. In this post I would like to briefly explain how Nextcloud can be set up via Docker and behind an nginx reverse proxy. Everything works great. Nextcloud version (eg, 18.0.2): Operating system and version (eg, Ubuntu 20.04): Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) nginx version (eg, Apache 2.4.25): nginx 1.14.2-2 PHP version (eg, 7.1): 7.3.18-1 The issue you are facing: Raspi 1: Nextcloud host ( Raspi 2: Reverse proxy ( I have Nextcloud successfully running on Raspi 1. There are alot of tutorials out there already covering this topic, but in our case we gonna use Nginx to serve the SSL-Certificates and proxy the connection to an Apache2 service which is serving NextCloud. プライベート用アカウントです。By following users and tags, you can catch up information on technical fields that you are interested in as a wholeBy "stocking" the articles you like, you can search right awayWhy do not you register as a user and use Qiita more conveniently?You need to log in to use this function. Everything is fine when … though, I have a specific problem and I can’t find a hint in the docs nor in the existing forum posts. It mostly works, but some applications don’t (kee and talk so far). seems it can auto detect your container with web services.Automated nginx proxy for Docker containers using docker-gen - jwilder/nginx-proxyit’s also used in the nextcloud example docker-compose files.Now, an interesting things going on in the Nextcloud’s logs whenever I’m making a http call from the subdomain I wanted to associate my Nextcloud instance with:Needless to say my Nextcloud instance doesn’t process the above kind of calls simply dropping the connection (this is how the situation looks like from my browser’s perspective).A connection from a local IP address Nextcloud processes without any issues looks like this:On top of that I’m getting a couple other strange log entries despite the above configuration:I’ve been trying with both NGINX and traefik as reverse proxies without success. Kudos for that!I am having a similar problem like you have. Note that every once in a while this configuration may be overwritten and the CONF file will need modified to re-enable the reverse proxy. I can connect to Nextcloud if I’m making Its Docker container to share an external port outside (like 8080); then I can use my machine’s local IP address and reach the configuration panel. My host machine is running a few webservers with an nginx reverse proxy, on my.server/sonarr, my.server/transmission, etc. I have searched this forum for a solution, but wasn’t been able to get it to work. After we’ve created the configuration files we can start nextcloud via To SSL encrypt the connection to our Nextcloud server, a certificate is required. nevertheless they are designed to run on “fresh” installed machines. Contribute to nextcloud/docker development by creating an account on GitHub.Since I want to use several servers on this host and use sobdomains to forward the clients to the specific host, I use a host nginx reverse proxy before the setup:The setup works fine, BUT all the accesses to the nextcloud instance come from the internal IP of the dockered_nginx containerSo if ANY user makes wrong login attemts, Nextcloud slows down the login process for ANY user, since every user has the IP of the dockerized_nginx container./var/lib/docker/volumes/fpm_nextcloud/_data/data/nextcloud.logWhich is not possible, because there is always just the IP of the nginx container shown.Can anybody help me here or give me a hint how to overcome this issue?A little sidenote: I could circumvent this issue by just using the apache based nextcloud image from:⛴ Docker image of Nextcloud. Contribute to nextcloud/docker development by creating an account on GitHub.With this I see the real IP with the same setup (nginx reverse proxy) as before.