"Only the track "Let's Go Surfing" received chart placement. "I Felt Stupid" / "Down By the Water" did not enter the UK Singles Chart, but peaked at number 49 on the UK Physical Singles Chart Top 100. The Drums (2) Profile: The Drums are an American Post-punk/Indie-Pop band from Brooklyn, New York, founded 2008, with members originating from the shortlived band …
Days Lyrics: And our days go by / And I never needed you / And our days go by / And I never needed you / And I worked so hard / And I killed myself / And you broke my bones / And I sold my soul
"Me and the Moon" did not enter the UK Singles Chart, but peaked at number 69 on the UK Physical Singles Chart Top 100.
Music Audio The Drums.
She's performed on the CMAs and on Oprah.
In December, Pierce said in an interview with NME "I wanted to be as self-indulgent as possible with this album.
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A new version of Last.fm is available, to keep everything running smoothly, please Frontman Jonny Pierce explained: "The song is about that moment when you realize that you are someone different from what you once were.
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Javascript is required to view shouts on this page. Even by Progressive Rock standards, they were one of the most intricate bands of the '70s.