No deaths caused by spider bites in Australia have been substantiated by a coronial inquest since 1979.
Often, the wound is first noticed in bed where it is assumed the bite occurred. Wolf spiders occupy a huge range of habitats, including open woodlands, grasslands and forests. Glad to hear your friend is recovering well.Spiders (Wolf spiders or other) do not carry infections. I am on the train, so didn’t review it properly…Bill – this is fascinating stuff. Now, from what I can gather here, the wound is on the thigh is that right? Most pest control is generally ineffective against spiders (especially Huntsmen), as they only die from a direct hit. it was difficult for me to identify them in comparison to pictures on the internet, they don’t photograph well.Sounds like a nasty nip you got from that critter for it to leave a lump on your leg for so long, but as your incident proves, the venom of these things isn’t too harmful to humans. I’ve probably seen quite a few of these spiders since I’ve been here in Australia, and to be honest, they look just like any other spider. Come and explore what our researchers, curators and education programs have to offer! I suspect this is in relation to your other post about what you believe to be a Wolf Spider bite (I will answer that fully there), but these kinds of remarks just cloud the issue and make finding relevant information much more difficult. More likely to be a Black House Spider (I say that, as they are often mistaken for Wolf Spiders – no way of knowing what spider it is without the spider itself though).
Bites from the Shield/Badge Huntsman should be treated with great caution, because although symptoms usually subside by themselves after a few hours without any complications, several serious envenimations have been reported.
If they were, as you claim, ‘baby Wolf Spiders’, then you must have observed the mother Wolf Spider on the ground prior to your dog rolling on it (this is the ONLY way you could possibly know they were Wolf Spider juveniles, as juveniles cannot be identified accurately by anybody, with or without a microscope) complete with juveniles attached to her back, and then, as before, caught said spider and taken it in to an expert for official identification under a microscope? I dismissed it as a bad mosquito bite. Two of the commonest Australian species are Wolf Spiders are found in habitats ranging from dry inland shrublands and woodlands to wet coastal forests and alpine meadows. They photographed it for me to see. All of this is covered in the article below and explains it in a bit more detail; more importantly, it covers exactly how this spider received (and continues to receive) such bad press and how skin necrosis is falsely attributed to this spider. 105. If they are acting aggressively, unless it is a mother with spiderlings (they ride around on her back, so you’ll know if you see it), I would say you have them mixed up with another spider.2.Wolf Spiders are poor climbers and will do very little of it unless absolutely necessary. FAR more effective than any spray.Surface sprays are useless against spiders, as they only die from a direct hit.
According to scientists, funnel web venom is very effective against other spiders and insects, the fact that it is deadly to us humans is just a case of ‘bad luck’.It is important to get information right about various spiders otherwise misinformation can be damaging, so that’s good advice Bill, if in doubt call the experts.get heaps of wolf spiders on the central coast. Thanks for visiting and I do hope you come back regularly.Some absolutely fascinating information on this page. Spider identification is very difficult – so difficult in fact, that in some species, the spiders themselves get it wrong and attempt to mate with the wrong species.In the highly unlikely event you answered ‘yes’ to all (or any) of those, then it still proves little, as spiders will often ‘dry bite’ when defending themselves (some species more than others, but especially in many ‘roaming’ type spiders) – their venom is not limitless (again, some more than others), so they may conserve it as spiders also require venom to eat.
The male is attracted by scent markings left by the female, often associated with her drag-line silk. In doing so, she’s picked up a fair few baby wolf spiders in her coat over the years. From then on it became swollen and necriatic (black and pus and eating away my skin).. i saw the doc on two occasions, and got antibiotics which ended up healing the initial bite scene… but since then, about 5 or so pimples have appeared around the bite, more like welts, as they are just red spots..Sounds pretty awful what you are going through, and it appears to be dragging on a bit now. Though I know Huntsman spids are valuable house guests and best to make friends with them. The only danger to cats and dogs from Funnel Webs is infection from the bite mark itself.I’ll say it again – don’t take my word for it, check it out for yourself.Yes, I can confirm that as well, funnel webs are harmless to cats and dogs and many other animals.