put a heating pad into the tank. Today we will find a name for your ferret friend!Ferrets have to be the cutest pet on planet earth! You can join me on

Some experts believe that 20 years is an average, however, some females can live up to 25 years.

Breeding is more often but is

Since it’s scientific discovery the species has gone through an astonishing range of different Latin names.Occasionally these names are still used on the Internet, but rest assured that all relate to this one particular species.That said, there are two other closely-related species, known as For the purposes of this guide we will focus our attention only on Interestingly, this species is considered quite a delicacy by some local tribes, with the Piaroa and Yanomamo Indians having been It is also one a limited number of species that can audibly “hiss” – a process known as “stridulation” – by rubbing together specialised hairs on its legs. The female lays 100 to 200 Despite its name, the Goliath birdeater only rarely actually preys on birds; in the wild, its diet consists primarily of other large "Bird-eating spider" redirects here. be stored in air-tight plastic 5-gallon drums.

Nearby the spinnerets the abdomen is a lighter

The treated substrate should be made beforehand and can Only three species are described in Theraphosa Thorell, 1870. This can be done using

that block out selected spots in your tank.

These spiders can have a legspan up to 30cm, a body length of up to 13cm and can weigh up to 175g.Unlike other species of spider/tarantula, females do not eat the males during mating.

So you will not know he is ready to reproduce until you see that he has produced his sperm web. Use a warmer LED spectrum the forest indoors with you, this spider needs plenty of space. These big brutes need more space and a larger diet than others. If they stop eating for weeks and seem extra lazy, they are not dying.

will need to be placed under the bottom of the tank.

dry! This isn’t to say that a T. blondi will not enjoy Hier verweilen Sie bis zum Einbruch der Dämmerung, um dann auf Beutefang zu gehen.Derzeit werden die Theraphosa stirmi geschützt, so dass eine Ausfuhr verboten ist. properly and the female will eat them. it can be ready to add water.A great recipe for a substrate that information up to this point keeping your spider will be easier to

They mature in 1.5 years, whereas the females take longer.This species is known to mate several times a year in the wild.

Don’t be tempted to buy a goliath bird eater if you aren’t experienced enough. anything else.

Zudem ist auch auf den Einsatz eines Trinkgefäßes zu achten, dass stets mit frischem Wasser gefüllt sein muss.Da die Stirmi aus tropischen Regionen stammt, sollte das Klima im Terrarium so naturnah wie möglich nachgeschaffen werden.

lay eggs or leave droppings that carry any number of bacteria behind.

These Ausgewachsene Weibchen und Männchen kann man Nacktmäuse und Nachtratten anbieten.

store the sperm web up to 15 months before they decide to use it.

Since this species likes to be outside of their burrow most of the day, this temperature will keep them happy.With higher temperatures and humidity levels such as they are, you need to be careful to remove left-over prey or insect bolus. Colors range from dark to light brown with faint markings on the legs. Smaller T. blondies can have a jelly jar lid.

This means that captivity breeding for females can start after two years.

The Goliath Birdeater is well-named, as it represents both the largest and heaviest spider in the world.The Guinness Book of World Records reports that the largest known specimens can reach 28cm (11″) across the legs, and weigh in at up to 170 grams.That said, even with these dimensions it is difficult to appreciate just how large and intimidating these spiders really get until you’re faced with a big adult female with an abdomen the size of a golf ball!The Goliath Birdeater was first described by Pierre Andre Latrelle in 1804. While they will willingly eat smaller prey items such as crickets or mealworms, the number needed to satiate the hunger of such a large spider can make them an expensive and impractical solution.Like many tarantulas from equatorial areas, Goliaths are quite a fast-growing species. Handling Theraphosa blondi.

Deshalb sollte man bei Reinigungsarbeiten oder beim Handling mit besonders großer Vorsicht vorgehen.Bei Bedrohung setzt sie sehr schnell zum Giftbiss an, der sehr schmerzhaft verlaufen kann.

A full grown Golith Birdeater rearing up and hissing is not a sight for the faint-hearted!It should come as little surprise that the world’s biggest spider also requires a good-sized cage in captivity.A range of plastic or glass containers may be used, but it it recommended that these solitary spiders should be kept in tanks measuring at least 45cm long by 30cm deep.As impressive specimens, which often sit out in the open, this is a perfect spider to turn into a jaw-dropping display animal.In the past, tarantula keepers have used large glass aquariums to keep Goliath tarantulas, but it is important to remember that these are strong spiders which can climb well despite their bulk.A close-fitting lid is therefore critical, if you don’t want to have an awkward discussion with the next-door neighbour.My personal preference for these spiders is one of the Goliath Birdeaters are powerful burrowers in the wild, so they will need not only a suitable substrate to dig in, but also at least one good-sized hide. looking with a brownish- coffee coloration over much of its body.

Diese Werte müssen unbedingt täglich kontrolliert werden, um zu keinem Zeitpunkt das Wohl der Spinne zu gefährden.Sorge zu tragen hat. Then you can collect them.Sometimes these eggs are not fertilized

You can then decide to keep them or sell them to other the second segment. Due to their sheer size, a fall from half a meter can rupture their abdomen.