9cm Haltung: Terrariummasse: 30x30x20cm. Die Rückwand sollte mit einer Korkplatte gestaltet sein, der Boden mit Humus ca. Die Temperatur im Terrarium sollte ca. 50 bis 60 % Größe des Terrariums: 30x30x30 cm Bodengrund: Grabfähiges Substrat, Blumenerde oder Walderde. The deep burrows keep the temperature below the highest daytime temperatures, and retain humidity.

We need money to operate the site, and almost all of it comes from our online advertising. After that they get it on their front pincers and if they meet a female, they give mutual signal that they are ready for reproducing. Art: Aphonopelma seemanni (Erstbeschreibung: F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1897) Herkunft: Costa Rica bis Texas, Californien Lebensweise: Bodenbewohnend, Röhrenbewohnend Körperlänge Adult: etwa 6 cm Verteidigung: Beinschlagen, Giftbiss Verhalten: Die Tiere sind sehr Wehrhaft aber leider durch ausgeprägtes buddeln von ihrem Röhrensystem so gut wie nie im Terrarium zu sehen Aphonopelma seemanni, the Costa Rican zebra tarantula, also known as the striped-knee tarantula, is a species of tarantula inhabiting most of western Costa Rica and other parts of Central America, such as Honduras and Nicaragua, and possibly Guatemala.It is usually black with white stripes near the leg joints, but a brown color form also exists for the spider. 10 bis 15 cm haben, da Aphonopelma seemanni sehr stark gräbt. They are really fast movers, so keep an eye at them and make sure that they can’t get out of the terrarium easily. After 6 to 8 weeks, the eggs hatch and the spiderlings feed of the remaining of the eggs.Throughout the terrarium bottom there should be at least four inches (10 cm) potting soul and on some parts peat moss. It has very straightforward dietary choices to regular spiders of its kind. No two species of arachnids are ever the same, as they come in so many varieties to count! The Costa Rican Zebra Tarantula digs its burrows very deeply. In der Regel ergreift sie bei Belästigung die Flucht. Having owned a variety of pets before (from a Red-footed tortoise to a Sun Conure), I’ve gained a lot of experience in caring for and handling different animals. A rainy season lasts from April or May to December. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions and how I can help you with your pet needs! They reside in tropical forests, burrowing deep into the soil to stay out of the heat.Medium growth rate. They live in open semi-arid scrublands, and are often found in large aggregations. 80 % betragen. 15 cm haben, eher aggressiveres Verhalten, nicht für Anfänger Hi there! It should be no surprise that Aphonopelma seemanni is a burrowing tarantula, where it digs down to avoid the worst of the heat. Bodengrund Wald- oder Blumenerde, zur … After the male reaches maturity, they make a web and rub themselves on it in order to release semen.

6 cm Körperlänge. In the wild, they eat a wide variety of insects such as Humidity: 50/60%. Zebra tarantulas are deep-burrowing spiders. Temperatur Tag: ca. Die Temperaturen betragen am Tage etwa 24 bis 28°C.

It’s famous for the vertical white stripes down its legs, from which it also got its name. Bodengrund Torf- Humusgemisch nach hintern ruhig höher, falls die Spinne graben möchte. The male injects the semen from his pincers into the abdomen of the female.

Even though their venom is light and doesn’t have big impact on humans, their hair is a natural weapon and can cause irritations, rashes and even blindness if it gets in the eyes. Die Trockenzeit liegt in der Regel zwischen Ende Dezember und Anfang April, wobei in den übrigen Monaten in Costa Rica Regenzeit herrscht.