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Thanks a lot for the linkThis works magical! Thanks a lot! With kind regards from Munic Nó không còn cho đăng ký nữa.

if you had completed your registration task successfully, you will find your dashboard on DuSpeaker app. The results are same as the Chinese ones indexed by 百度 , just different in languages.Depends on the browser you use, you may still need to translate the webpage into English once you get into a site. There is no alternative option to register Baidu account outside China.hi, i follow thru ur steps.
That is why, no one could register Baidu account from outside countries.Fortunately, I have found an way to register Baidu Account through Then you will find two options. Don’t forget to share your thoughts about this, I am from Bangladesh.

So you’ve also encountered this problem. It was an only way to register Baidu account. Then click on Register button.Instantly you will receive a verification code on your cell phone number. Thanks a lot!!! Well, at least I tried. Where Baidu’s precondition is to a user must have a China mobile number to complete the registration process.But don’t worry, I know a secret way about how to register baidu account without phone outside ChinaIn order to register baidu account without phone outside China, go through the below-mentioned steps.Recently Baidu team has blocked their netdisk registration from outside countries. This website provides 百度 Baidu search engine results that translated from Chinese to English. Baidu does not support the Czech Republic.

Thank you It worked like a charm. Alternatively, you can login your Baidu dashboard through web page.. Baidu account login using phone number That means you don’t have a Chinese phone number. I never imagine finally I can have my own account since my China clients always sent all the works with Baidu Disk.Please can you upload this fw update to another server? Afterwards, input your 11 digits cell phone number which is active.
Fill in your unique username up to 14 english letters.If you would go through this content, definitely you will see like below mentioned picture.if you had completed your registration task successfully, you will find your dashboard on DuSpeaker app.My request is to please share this content to others.