This is where a thermostat designed for heat mats comes in handy.Known as a mat stat, all you need to do is plug your heat mat into it, place the sensor into the cage and then set the required temperature on the dial.In this way the thermostat will continually monitor the temperature within the cage, gently turning the heat up or down as necessary in order to reach the target.As discussed previously, Indian Ornamentals are fast-growing tarantulas, but only when they have suitable nutrition. Their lightning-fast movements can make them difficult to predict. If it’s still damp then I would leave it. Zach is a life-long pet owner and enthusiast. It is one of the most popular arboreal tarantulas for amateur collectors. The risk is that damp conditions can lead to mould etc. Some larger As with all invertebrate pets, be very careful about feeding around When you notice that your tarantula has started to fast, be sure to remove any remaining insects from the cage. For example, many of my pokies will come dashing out of their hides to catch a prey item that they haven’t even seen – presumably using vibrations to sense that an insect is close.My Indian ornamental prefers to stick to the bottom of the tank. As they are more aggressive and not beginner-friendly, they appeal to a smaller crowd, thus keeping their demand below something more friendly like a This low price for such a fascinating and beautiful tarantula species has helped the Indian Ornamental become admired by tons of tarantula enthusiasts around the world. Despite that, when kept in a proper enclosure and left alone, this species tends to keep to themselves. Just a centimentre or two should be enough to absorb any excess moisture.The best solution here is to furnish your Indian Ornamental cage with one or more tubes of Indian ornamental tarantulas require a temperature of around 24’C in captivity, with one side of their tank kept warmer than the other. Captive tarantulas suffer from very few issues aside from The most common issue that Indian Ornamental owners may encounter is in the molting of their tarantula. When combined with two or more potential cork hides, your This setup works well in colder months, where the challenge is keeping the temperature of your tarantula viviarium up, can can yield problems as the seasons change and the ambient temperature in your home starts to rise. They do also enjoy being on the ground at times, though, so that will need to be taken into consideration when crafting their enclosure.One more thing to note about Indian Ornamental tarantulas is that they are a colony species, meaning that they can potentially live in a community together if enough food is present. Come and join our reptile-keeping community and prepare for some exciting discoveries! Fortunately, there are many Indian Ornamental Tarantulas aren't the most accessible tarantulas tarantulas today, but they're still quite easy to come by. I have been misting her on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, is this too much!I mist mine once or twice a week. They're primarily arboreal tarantulas live within the trees and endure a diverse range of environmental conditions.While Indian Ornamental tarantulas have specific needs for their enclosure, those needs aren't hard to meet. They live in trees and experience massive fluctuations in both temperature and humidity year-round.Medium-to-fast growth rate. growing which isn’t great for the health of tarantulas.Keeping Exotic Pets is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.I've been keeping and breeding exotic pets for over 20 years.