Change Japan Server To Korean Language League Of Legends. By downloading and/or using this application, you acknowledge and agree to abide by the terms. provided that the language is supported by Riot. This really has to do with its launch of a closed beta in Japan in 2016, and many of the users may want to change the language.
eine Provision vom Händler, z.B. To play in korea server with english language in LeagueClientSettings.Yaml file you have to change region to KR and locale to en_GB or en_US or en_AUAfter you changed in system.yaml file. Change language league of legends and play it with a language you understand will make your game more fun, so for some reasons you want play at a server doesn't support your language example euw japan korean turkish russian... let's see how to play at any league of legends server with any languageIn leagues of legends there is 11 servers, at every server there is a different languages supported, there is sometimes a random players coming from different countries they want to play at specific server that doesn't supports their language, example a japan player want play at Europe west server, there is no way to change that from the league of legends clients settings you have to change it manually from league of legends configuration file.This topic tested for normal league of legends clients NA EUW EUNE... i have so much visitor from garena region i never used garena client so this is may work or it may will not work, i will soon install league of legends for garena and test it, usually league of legends is the same even if there is difference you will find the same settings files just search inside your garena folder and watch this tutorial if you find some match.At league of legends game client there are multiple servers, every server for a region and every server support the region languages, but that's mean not only american play at NA server or Russia play at RU server there are million players from Africa and there is no Africa server, they only do that to avoid server overload and to play with good ms and good internet connection, because every time the server so far the ms will be so bad and the game will start lagging.
It's almost like that's the exact same thing I said in the first reply to this thread, which has been ignored. To play in korea server with Greek language in LeagueClientSettings.Yaml file you have to change region to KR and locale to el_GRAfter you changed in system.yaml file. You can select your region and language in the launcher by clicking the region in the middle of the bar on the right, as shown in … So let's see the league of legends servers and leagues of legends languages...There is 11 league of legends servers for every server they give a specific code, that code will be useful in configurations files, we will use that server code to change league of legends configuration file directly.League of legends support about 19 language, for every language they give a specific code, that code will be used in configurations files, we will use that language code to try to change league of legends client to any language.To change league of legends to any language you will have to modify manually only If you want change league of legends current server language you have to update Change languages in league of legends it's the same for most league of legends servers, but if you want play at korea server with any language or if you want play at any other server with korean language you have to do a different configuration so let's see a different case for changing league of legends server language.Before even start changing league of legends files manually, login to your league of legends accounts that you will play whatver it was EUW NA EUNE KR... and let it finish all login steps next close the client.To change EUW EUNE NA BR RU TR OC1 LA1 LA2 JP To Any Language except korean you only have to change at LeagueClientSettings.yaml region and locale just like below combination.If you are not friendly with reading, This video show step per step how to play at EUW EUNE NA BR RU TR OC1 LA1 LA2 JP Servers With Any Language Except Korean, please make sure you follow the stepsTo play at EUW server with Japanese language: modify your LeagueClientSettings.yaml file and change region to EUW and locale to ja_jp as the code below, next start your league of legends clients.
To play in korea server with Turkish language in LeagueClientSettings.Yaml file you have to change region to KR and locale to tr_TRAfter you changed in system.yaml file. :camel: Its because you are female (guessing by all your pictures. ) if the current language not installed league of legends clients will start patching.To play at EUNE server with Italian language: modify your LeagueClientSettings.yaml file and change region to EUNE and locale to it_IT as the code below, next start your league of legends client. if the current language not installed league of legends client will start patching.To play at NA server with Hungarian language: modify your Leagueclientsettings.yaml file and change region to NA and locale to hu_hu as the code below, next start your league of legends client. To play in korea server with Japanese language in LeagueClientSettings.Yaml file you have to change region to KR and locale to ja_JPAfter you changed in system.yaml file. To play at JP server with Korean language: modify your LeagueClientSettings.yaml file and change region to JP and locale to ko_KR as the code below, next start your league of legends clients.