Once you reach the location, you will have to fight some enemies along with some robots.
Complete the first Warrior Arts training to complete this Substory. The quest begins when you have to fight a robot.To begin the quest, talk to Nam and then travel to West City. If you complete with the best possible outcome, you'll get a star next to the substory in your menu.
Speak with them to begin the Substory and then win the race to complete it. Blood, Intense Violence, Sexual Content, Strong Language, Use of Alcohol It is in the same place you earlier fought Raditz. You have to talk to the farmer here and finish the time attack to complete the questThis quest begins when you talk to Supreme Kai. To get them, you need to go to the Continent Center area and then to the marked location.
Once you have the fishes, return to the man, get the Royal Tomato and the rest of the ingredients and give them to the turtle in Kame House. In Yakuza 4, there are two "levels" of completion to substories. You’ll see a man in a suit running around the area. Go back to the house and talk to Chi Chi before returning back to the Ox King. Note that if you do not see a substory in the indicated area, it may only be available during a later chapter, or part of a series of quests from a certain character. Purchase it and look at your map to find gray word balloon icons marking new Substories to find. Your task is to beat a dinosaur in Gizard Wasteland. This will start and end this Substory, you can also befriend Komians Chef. You then have to go to Doctor Briefs who will send you to Darlinge Polynya. Your task is to first defeat the enemies that are troubling the child, and then find four Namekian fruits.
The Densite will be in the large landmass in this location.
Once you complete the substory, you'll usually get some kind of reward.Substories are marked on the map by a green question mark, so watch the map as you travel.In Yakuza 4, there are two "levels" of completion to substories. It becomes available after you meet and talk to Roshi. The quest requires you to gather some cooking items that include two pieces of beast meat and four carrots.
Substories are side quests that you will find all throughout the open world of the game.
You have to beat all the enemies that surround her to complete this quest.This Substory begins when you talk to Bulma, who wants you to help her father by finding three special rocks. Once you clear out the robots, the quest will be completed.This quest begins when you talk to the tourist couple that you found in Planet Namek. Substory #43 - Yakuza On The Run. You are tasked by beating some robots to complete it.This Substory begins when you talk to Marron as Gohan. Once you return to the man, you will find out that he has run off and is avoiding fighting Piccolo. Dig the location and bring the magazine back to Master Roshi to complete the side quest. In the challenge, you have to catch 1 Scarlet Catfish and 2 Goliath Catfishes.
There are 6 substories in this saga: Substory #1 – Master Roshi’s Prized Possession This Substory requires you to find Master Roshi’s magazine that the turtle has hidden. Return the items to the lady to complete the Substory. Find the ingredients needed to make the antidote for the Beastmen.
If you complete with the best possible outcome, you'll get a star next to the substory in your menu. You are tasked with defeating Krillin in Kame House to complete the quest.This Substory requires you to play as Gohan and talk to Krillin.