Die Abkürzung MCM steht für „man crush monday“, also salopp übersetzt: Männer-schwärm-Montag. EoD might be problematic as well – as in finance this means “Event of Default”.Hello, Ruslan. Wörterbuch Montag. Interesting in your example, the two would mean the same, but EOD might also be midnight (time zone issues aside), and that the correction inserted an entirely different submission point (unless business closes at noon).Keith, I am glad you found this blog post. MNF steht als Abkürzung für: . I have to admit that is extremely unlikely, but the potential for confusion still exists.That approach will work fine as long as her readers are in the same time zone.Take a moment to check your writing for abbreviations and acronyms. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. Newsletter Bons plans et offres de vols. The other day in a business writing class, I read an abbreviation that perplexed me. Here is the sentence:We need your contributions by the COB on December 14.The writer, Linda, was asking for contributions for an adopt-a-family holiday program. Abkürzung Klartext MIFG Shallow fog (mince fog), flacher Bodennebel MLS Microwave Landing System, Mikrowellenlandesystem MNM QNH Minimum QNH, niedrigstes QNH MOD Moderate, mäßig MON Above mountains, im Bergland MON Monday, Montag MOR Meteorological Optical Range, meteorologische Sichtweite MOS Model Output Statistics Do you recognize Linda was surprised by my ignorance. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. Wörter des Jahres Bitte teilen Sie uns mit, wie Ihnen unser Beitrag gefällt. Substantiv, maskulin – erster Tag der Kalenderwoche … Zum vollständigen Artikel → Montage. Your article came up in my search as I racked my brain on what COB meant. Good point: Your EOD may be very different from the COB in your company.COB also can stand for “Continuity of Business” that ensures critical business functions continue to exist as normal, often used in business disaster recovery planning.What is “TS” in relation to someone saying “by COB” then the respone was “why not by TS” – does anyone know? )Hi, Aerin. Rechtschreibregeln All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. I am afraid I do not know. März 2018 um 09:56 Uhr bearbeitet. Sorry! Substantiv, maskulin – erster Tag der Kalenderwoche … Substantiv, feminin – 1. das Aufstellen, Zusammensetzen, Anschließen einer … 2a. Tous les vols directs au départ de Bordeaux. Abgekürzt (beispielsweise in Kalendern) werden die Wochentage jedoch anders als im Deutschen statt mit zwei mit den drei Anfangsbuchstaben. Klicken Sie hierzu auf die unten abgebildeten Sternchen (5 Sternchen = sehr gut):Großbuchstaben und Abkürzungen der Wochentage im EnglischenDer folgende Abschnitt hilft Ihnen, Verabredungen zu treffen. Acronym Definition; COB: Close Of Business (day) COB: College of Business: COB: Coordination Of Benefits: COB: Chief of the Boat (US Navy) COB: City of Bellingham (Washington) COB To confuse things even further, the person I’m writing previously used “EOB”. I just searched on these terms to confirm whether EOD meant the same as COB (actually, I was hoping it was midnight! Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Acronym Definition; EOB: Explanation Of Benefits: EOB: End of Buffer (computer programming) EOB: Enterprise Object Broker: EOB: End Of Block: EOB: Ensemble Orchestral de Bordeaux Sprache und Stil Natürlich kann man bei jedem Beispiel den hier vorgeschlagenen Tag durch den in der jeweiligen Situation Zutreffenden ersetzen.Achten Sie darauf, dass man im Englischen nicht unbedingt „every Monday“ sagen muss, wenn man ausdrücken möchte, dass man etwas regelmäßig und somit an jedem Montag macht.