Olgierd’s wishes were unusual, to say the least. Down in the basement, the stranger will present a proposition.

You will then have the option to make a deal with Ewald for the House of Maximillian or fight him for the whole package.Siding with Horst presents the same option, only you have to kill Ewald first. Geralt will soon notice blood near the door, prompting him to investigate; using your Witcher Senses, follow the footprints to the nearby river, where three thugs will be waiting for you. The three guards will burst in and Eveline will flee. The button to open it is on the other side of the vault behind a pillar.How was your heist experience? The guards will come to the window demanding you release the hostages, you need to choose the following dialogue options to get past this part with no fights:As long as you pick these exact choices the guards will leave you alone and you can head straight to the vault.Since Casimir likes things that go boom, no matter what you did before, you’ll still end up having to fight. You’ve finally gotten to the vault. The Stranger has you meet him at a Herbalist’s Hut. I’m stuck trying to get out of the secret entrance because I can’t find what I need to open the secret entrance in the vault and this guide only has the one choice where you side with Ewald and then don’t fight him.It really doesn’t matter. The guards will rush in and it’s time to fight them off (no worries, there are very few guards).After you’re done with this pre-vault section, the door will lie open (whether through stealth or by force). Now, head down to the auction house and towards the vault.There will be some workers who will call three guards to stop you. Activate your Quen and slay these foul beasts. Olgierd's wishes were unusual, to say the least. Open Sesame is one of The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone’s main quests and the second of Olgierd von Everec’s wishes. Getting into the auction house is no easy matter for common folk, but luckily, Master Vivaldi (owner of Vivaldi Bank) is around and he happens to be one of your pals. is the second main quest in the Hearts of Stone, the expansion for the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. It is now that you will meet The Stranger and the Open Sesame becomes a much different quest than you were probably expecting. I sided with Ewald and whacked Horst, then ended up taking Ewald out as well. Open Sesame is one of The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone’s main quests and the second of Olgierd von Everec’s wishes. Geralt only knew his first stop should be Oxenfurt, the city to which the Borsodis had moved their world-famous auction house…Following contains quest spoilers. Jut give the password (it’s automatically added as a conversation item, so don’t worry about forgetting). A passionate Gwent player who’ll invite you to play a round with him.The countess collects all things related to witchers, and is willing to sell you some diagrams if you’ve got the coin. It's another main quest after the Evil's Soft First Touches, received at the same time as Dead Man's Party (you can complete them in any order you want). If you side with Horst, you’ll have to fight Ewald (and Cassimir, if he is with you). Next Main quests Open Sesame! Once done, make your way to the Borsodi Brothers' Auction House and use your Witcher Sensesto listen to the conversation of the guards out front in an attempt to find out where the cook is. Open Sesame! Olgierd requested the house of Maximillian Borsodi but gave no more details. This is a guide to the quest titled Open Sesame! The very first part of the actual heist is simple. The Stranger proposed to spike the garrison’s stew with a special “spice” that would make them very unwilling to attend to their duties.The heist itself will proceed in a very similar fashion, regardless of your choice of companions. Open Sesame!

Before anything else, you must craft a cleansing mixture which requires one Dwarven Spirit, two Rotfiend blood, and two Wolfsbane. It turns out that Mr. Borsodi didn’t like your line of questioning, even if you were being polite. The gosunoob.com content may not be used, reproduced or copied without the prior express written consent of gosunoob.com Inside, you will find Horst and two guards but before you can confront him, The Stranger reveals himself to be Ewald Borsodi, the scorned brother of Horst. This is incomplete. The commander likes to play cards. Read on for information on objectives and possible rewards, as well as useful tips and strategies for completing the quest and buying items at the auction. Beat him in a game to have Quinto released.Insult the commander to force him to fight you, then defeat him in combat to free Quinto. quest ends. It opens with a cutscene of Geralt and company entering the auction house. This is where the next part comes in; you’ll have to recruit a team and complete a certain task to keep guards away.Once you’ve completed those three quests, it’s time to break into a certain auction house in Oxenfurt.

Geralt will need to speak with this man in order to continue the quest, but that isn’t so easy. Yaromir is a purveyor of fine art and will, if you tell him that you too appreciate a good painting, tell you to point out the work of a certain Edward van der Knoob. Once dealt with, loot their bodies to acquire a note and Hugo's ear, then dive in the water and … Horst will offer you and the safecracker the chance to betray Ewald and get away with all of this without consequences. Kill the guards and proceed down into the vault. When it comes to breaking into the auction house’s vault, the Stranger gave you two possible assistants to choose from: Hugo Huff and Eveline Gallo.Finally, you’ll need to make sure that the guards in Oxenfurt do not interfere with your little scheme. Once Horst is down to about 10 percent of his health, a cutscene will play out. If you side with Ewald, you’ll have a tougher fight on your hands. There’s an option to side with Ewald, and then after Horst is dead you end up fighting Ewald too.