Integration of Frey AG Stans in the Doppelmayr/Garaventa Group is described as a win-win situation by both parties. Thanks to the top-class quality and innovative technology of its products and services in the area of remote monitoring and signalling equipment for cableways, Frey FUA AG is now the leading global technology provider in this field. Laden Sie strukturierte Jahresabschlüsse als PDF- und Excel-Datei herunter. A motor provides the central drive for all carriers. Takeover of the Frey AG Stans share held by the previous management means that Frey Austria GmbH is now completely independent, and the company will therefore continue to operate separately from the Doppelmayr/Garaventa Group.Frey AG Stans was founded by Fritz Frey in 1966 and specialised in the manufacture of cableway control systems from the beginning. This step is being taken as part of a succession plan: the company's approximately 100 staff are being taken on fully by the new owner, thereby ensuring that their substantial expertise is maintained.Cableway specialists join forces. JETZT DOWNLOADEN Ermitteln Sie Manager, Eigentümer und wirtschaftliche Beteiligungen. He acts as expert for corporate governance and compensation issues, as arbitrator in commercial arbitration cases and as executor in large estate matters. Quellen: Creditreform München 4, Bundesanzeiger The internationally renowned name and the Frey AG Stans brand will also remain in place. Kurzbilanz und Bilanzbonität. Erhalten Sie alle wichtigen Finanzdaten, inkl. Frey AG took over the activities of this German company more than ten years ago and has made a significant contribution to its further development. Peter R. Isler is a senior partner at NKF with very broad experience in various areas of law including membership in the boards of directors of Swiss corporations. This area will continue with the same product strategy of remaining open to a diverse range of customers. Customers will continue to decide which control system they would like: after all, it is still the case that every cableway facility is unique. The company celebrated its 50th anniversary one year ago, and Peter Frey now hands over a company that is very healthy in every respect. Das Unternehmen ist wirtschaftsaktiv. Handel mit Natursteinen, sonstigen Baustoffen und Waren ähnlicher Art sowie Erbringung darauf bezogener Dienstleistungen. Januar 2011, Nr. Peter Frey GmbH mit Sitz in Wartenberg ist im Handelsregister mit der Rechtsform Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung eingetragen. Besucher, die sich für Peter Frey GmbH interessiert haben, interessierten sich auch für: Erhalten Sie alle wichtigen Finanzdaten, inkl. iur., summa cum laudeAssistant for Corporate and Commercial Law at the University of Zurich School of Law
Willkommen bei! Its technology is globally renowned and has been exported to over 80 countries. Doppelmayr/Garaventa has been awarded its next major contract to construct urban ropeways. Er promovierte 1986 in Mainz über das Thema Spanien und Europa: Die spanischen Intellektuellen und die Europäische Integration. Der Verband der Vereine Creditreform e.V. Peter Frey नाम के लोगों की प्रोफ़ाइल देखें. Mit Facebook verbinden.
For this reason, Doppelmayr and Garaventa will go on working with their existing partners as before and ensure that the latter are provided with optimum access to the relevant information and technologies at all times in the course of joint projects.The one hundred per cent subsidiary Frey FUA AG with its premises in Markt Schwaben near Munich is also incorporated in the takeover process.