KillRoy231 wrote:Well second episode of Season 2 was pretty good. He sends Theon's penis to his father Balon, threatening to further mutilate him and to flay the other Ironborn invaders unless they flee the North; Balon refuses, as he now has no use for Theon.
Despite this brutality, Ramsay is not unintelligent; he is a cunning and capable manipulator who is good at thinking on his feet and being charming when he needs to be, a brutal form of a tactician. Despite Roose's instruction to Ramsay's mother, either she or Reek eventually informed him of his true parentage. What does that even mean? The bodies of the women are fed to his dogs. Regardless of the player's choice, Ramsay can't be killed, if the player attempts to stab Ramsay he will simply knock Rodrik to the ground but will be impressed by Rodrik's bravery. (We can't even spell Switzerland without spell-check. Before he leaves Ironrath, as soon as Arthur regains consciousness, Ramsay disembowels him, tearing his insides apart, killing him and shocking the Forresters. He practices the Bolton custom of flaying his enemies alive and keeps a pack of female hunting dogs that he uses to hunt young women down before raping and killing them; he names his dogs after women he has killed and brings back their flayed skin as a gruesome trophy. We great Hillbillies will back our friends or family to the death. Ramsay promises to help his father counter Stannis.After dinner, Ramsay expresses his distress at the possibility of the unborn child jeopardizing his claim on the North to his father, who reprimands him for his behavior earlier but scoffs at his worry.
All rights reserved. In reality, Ramsay leads Theon in a circle back to the dungeon and reimprisons him, tormenting Theon with the revelation that he was the architect of his suffering all along.
Though he seems like he will punish Reek, he ultimately forgives him. Theon begs Ramsay to kill him, but Ramsay states that Theon is more useful alive.
That night, Ramsay is visited by Sansa, who watches as his hungry hounds eat Ramsay alive. After overpowering the soldiers holding Ironrath, Ramsay takes Talia hostage and sits with her in the Great Hall, waiting for Rodrik's arrival. Ramsay approaches Myranda and reminds her of what he does to people who bore him.
Jon owes that Ramsay has the numbers but wonders if his men will want to fight for him when he won't fight for them, which visibly vexes Ramsay. Too bad. Roose admits it is not entirely Ramsay's fault, it is because Reek (the original) was his only tutor, and Reek himself was never trained at arms. To shoot down an enemy plane, the pilot had to line up above or in front to shoot directly into the other plane and kill the enemy pilot or at least his engine. Roose sent Ramsay a servant known as Reek. As Ramsay begins to tell her what to do if she wants to save Rickon, Sansa cuts him off and tells him that he is going to die the next day, bidding him to sleep well before riding off. He tells her that he plans on wedding her but after his legitimization, he dismisses such promises. ... I’ve got you covered. They flew what’s called a biplane with a machine gun mounted in front of the pilot.
Ramsay later confronts Reek about his encounter with Sansa, and warns him not to keep secrets from him again. At dinner, Ramsay initially expresses delight at his wedding to Sansa, but things turn sour when he brings Reek into the room and coerces him into apologizing to Sansa for allegedly killing Bran and Rickon, and suggests that Reek should give Sansa away at their wedding.
Some time later, Ramsay hunts a girl named Ramsay demonstrates Reek's new submissiveness to his father.Ramsay brings "Reek" to his father, who quickly becomes furious with Ramsay for torturing and mutilating a valuable Ramsay besieges Moat Cailin and sends Reek to treat with the ironborn garrison, posing as Theon Greyjoy. Ramsay is supposedly killed, and Reek taken prisoner to Winterfell.
There are no women among the Bastard's Boys. A good display of Ramsay's deceitful tact was when while playing a "game" with On the other hand, Ramsay is very impulsive, not fully considering the long-term consequences of his actions much to his father's chagrin. In the books, Ramsay is known for his ostentatious taste in clothes; garbing himself in velvet, silk, and satin, usually in the Bolton colors—pink and red.