As mentioned, you can review the recommendations and customize your packet accordingly. ​Overall, this is a awesome program all around.

They resemble the old-fashioned pixie sticks from childhood but are obviously much better for you. This is a vitamin start up that tailors the amount and combination of vitamins/minerals to your specific needs and then proceeds to deliver this unique combination of vitamin to your door, every month. It’s even talked about on reddit and other forums where the health-conscious flock.While I haven’t decided if I’m going to continue taking this product or not, I called customer service to see what cancelling entailed, the person from Care/of Headquarters didn’t ask any follow-up questions about *why* I might want to cancel, so cancelling the subscription took less than 2 minutes.

Ashwagandha is buzzy right now thanks to its purported stress fighting properties.

Better ingredients. Gabrielle Kassel ( is a New York based writer who has a deep affinity for weight training, playing (and watching) rugby, and living mindfully. I honestly was curious so I selected EVERY section! You can pick from brain, heart, immunity, skin, digestion, stress, and bones.Part 3 of 4 is "lifestyle" and will ask you questions about your current lifestyle. I ended up not being able to fall asleep until 1:00am, which is unlike me (usually it takes me less than 5 minutes to go to dreamland after hitting the pillow). If you’re going to get Care/of, you’re probably going to spend $20/month at a minimum, but if you scroll through the which lists out how much each supplement is per month it becomes clear how quickly those per-month prices add up. This content is imported from Instagram. The company states this is regardless of how many of the packets you have already taken. Very cool!You can view your pack of vitamins and make dosage adjustments and view their dosage recommendations. I reviewed my pack and did notice that every since recommendation WAS cheaper than it would be if I bought it from the grocery store! Truthfully, it felt like speed dating, but in a sexy “speak wellness to me” kind of way. And that’s definitely this shrubs main claim to fame.

Weight lifting, climbing stairs, walking, running and cycling are some exercising that can improve your body strength.

​This includes eating habits, exercise, drinking/smoking habits, computer usages, allergies, diets, Part 4 will ask about your thoughts on eastern medicines and your responses towards research, etc. Glad you asked! I hope to inspire women to lead an active, healthy, and mindful lifestyle. I had to increase my vitamin D dosage since my doctor told me that I am deficient and need a higher dosage. After you answer a couple questions in this section it will review your answers. Just easier and more time efficient to take one instead of 3-5 vitamins. If you live and breathe wellness and have had success with supplements in the past, you may consider adding Care/of’s product “Quick Sticks” to your mix. Many consumers are highly skeptical as to whether there is any value in tailoring supplements based on simple, seemingly impersonal surveys. Everything is delivered right to my door and since I started taking their recommended vitamins I really have noticed an improvement in my health. I took the quiz a few times to see what impact this answer has, and didn’t notice a difference. and while $47.00 is a little pricey for a multivitamin per month, the average price for a 30 day supply of probiotics is $20.00.However, if you have a tendency to forget to cancel a subscription services, have a hard time swallowing pills, or very concerned about living a waste-free life, this may not be But otherwise, I don’t see many drawbacks in incorporating this vitamin into your wellness routine. You then subscribe to the monthly service and pay to have your 30-day your supply sent to your doorstep each month. ​Overall, this is a awesome program all around. (If you’re not an alarm person, you can also download the Care/of App which will sent you a reminder notification). Beyond its link to mental well-being, magnesium This was included in my pack, because are Care/of said, “You told us about your bowel concerns. It is tailor-made nutritional aid delivered right to your front door. You should remember that vitamins and minerals are supplements.

You are presented with the contents of a daily recommended packet. Care/of ( is a fast-growing, venture-backed wellness startup. Part 2 is "Goals" will ask what you want to learn/explore. Because I told them that I live in Michigan they noticed that I do not have a lot of sunlight and recommended a vitamin D supplement! This means that your monthly subscription could cost around $5 per month or more than $30 every month. ​After you complete the questions it will give you recommended vitamins.

In 5 minutes, this quiz asked more about me than my general practitioner did during my last hour-long appointment (or than my last Tinder date did during our 30 minute meet-and-greet).While Care/of offers over 30 different supplements, which they may recommend for your personal packs depending on your answers to the quiz, I highlight the ingredients in my particular Care/of subscription and the potential benefits of each. relying on the sun as your primary vitamin D source isn’t realistic. You have the option to accept the recommended packets. In this review I'm going to cover everything you need to know about Care/of Vitamins to find out if this program is right for you and I'll also share with you my personal experience with Care/of. The quiz also asks questions about specific diets/eating plans, allergies, and perceived sleep quality. The program is aimed at people who need to focus more on nutrition, but just don’t seem to have the time to eat right. Benefits Of Using The Take Care/Of Products Honest Guidance. I honestly was curious so I selected EVERY section! The Care/of app is your handy tool for reminding you to take your vitamins so you never miss a day (just like your mom, but different).