Contact me for a quote! Deichmann.

Allgemein, Fotografie 19. Title Please drag & drop the images to rearrange the order

Allgemein, Fotografie 19. A friend sent me a link to enter the Editorial RM Fotolibro award.

In Luxemburg und Niedersachsen Not to be a slave of your past history, and to burn the ashes of your past self— and to leave no trace behind. We are suckered into thinking that we can only take photos if we travel to exotic places (India, Tokyo, NYC), if we have a super glamorous lifestyle, and if we have the latest cameras and fastest lenses.

The students all hit the streets with their cool film cameras , and we had a blast shooting film. Shoe Store. This book has been a long time in the making. La question de l’humain dans les ESN. We are suckered into thinking that we can only take photos if we travel to exotic places (India, Tokyo, NYC), if we have a super glamorous lifestyle, and if we have the latest cameras and fastest lenses. Fokus. Category Please adjust your search criteria and try again.If you want to find it in Kimberley, you’ll find it on Kimberley City Portal. All of this is just bullshit that the camera companies and advertising companies try to feed you, to…After about a hundred shots of espresso, the newest “Learn From the Masters of Street Photography” PDF Book is live. FOKUS c’est d’abord l’histoire d’une amitié forte entre deux passionnés de technologies et d’entrepreneuriat. CARITAS This version (Version II) is the newest and cleanest version that distills the wisdom of the masters.

März 2016 If You Started Photography All Over Again, What Would You Do Differently? This version (Version II) is the newest and cleanest version that distills the wisdom of the masters.
I like the idea of not being a slave to your past. The way I was working as a photographer from 2006- 2014. Spent a good two months trying to find a sequence. l'union artistique de deux passionnés de photographie, Bryan Mazenauer et Vicky Gendre ;un moyen d’immortaliser un évènement par des styles de photographies différents et complémentaires ;la garantie de vous rappeler l’émotion d’un souvenir par des photographies prises à domicile, dans toute la région fribourgeoise ainsi que partout où vous nous offrirez l’opportunité d’exercer notre art ;une gamme de services tels que la photographie d'entreprise, les Packshots, les shootings photo, etc… ;des rencontres, de l’intensité et de l’émerveillement ;une belle aventure humaine qui nous mène bien au-delà de Fribourg.Vous souhaitez en savoir plus ? I knew I had a book somewhere with a good strong edit. The way I was working as a photographer from 2006- 2014. To always see…Leafing through the rest of his archive is an utter joy; uncovering reams of brilliant and off-kilter images taken throughout the photographer’s busy 50-year career which show a knack for that all important “decisive moment.” Ave grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio, and during the 1970s worked as art director for Hollywood’s Capitol Records, and went… Better late than never as they say. Mijn plaats op het wereldwijde web om mijn fotografieperikelen met de 'wereld' te delen ;) - Patricia De Bruycker Fokus Fotografie; Juan Carlos Alom (CUB) Werner Bischof (CH) Sonja Braas (GER) Wynn Bullock (USA) Balthasar Burkhard (CH) René Burri (CH) Carlos Crespo (CH) Imogen Cunningham (USA) Adrián Fernández Milanés (CUB) Jill Freedman (USA) André Gelpke (GER) Georg Gerster (CH) Nan Goldin (USA) René Groebli (CH) Peter Hebeisen (CH) Roger Humbert (CH) Deborah Kelly (AUS) Saul Leiter (USA) … Endless memories!