And why wouldn't we be interested in a diet that lets you eat chocolate.

(Here, Adele gets real about getting healthy .)

Das Programm Sirtfood wurde von den Ernährungsexperten Aidan Googins und Glen Matten entwickelt.Im Unterschied zu anderen Schlankheitskuren sind daher bei der Sirt Diät sogar Schokolade und Rotwein erlaubt.

Indeed, consuming as few as 1000 calories a day will result in relatively quick weight loss as the body's glycogen stores are depleted, along with the extra fluid they hold. The first is a Once weight loss is achieved, dieters are encouraged to follow a 14-day maintenance phase, in which one green juice and three sirtfood-rich meals are consumed.

This is increased to two sirtfood-rich meals and one green juice a day during in the 1500 calorie window. And eat spicy food. Indeed, consuming as few as 1000 calories a day will result in relatively quick weight loss as the body's glycogen stores are depleted, along with the extra fluid they hold. Click here. By 3 months, I had lost a total of 3½ stone (50lbs).

It's claimed that this eating pattern will result in sustainable weight loss over time.The following foods are thought to contain sirtuin-activating compounds.At a glance the Sirtfood diet seems reasonable — you eat more fresh food, and eat a low-calorie eating plan for a few days at a time.

This phase lasts for three days before calories are increased to 1500 per day, with a diet packed full of sirtfoods. WEIGHT loss experts who created the Sirtfood Diet that is said to be behind Adele's seven stone weight loss have revealed the ultimate healthy snack. Here's what we know.Lose weight without trying with these dietitian-approved supermarket hacksDevelopers of the Sirtfood plan claim that there are certain molecules in 'SIRT' foods that activate proteins in the body called They say sirtuins are involved in a number of metabolic processes in the body, and consuming foods that contain these molecules increases the body's ability to burn fat.While research is in its early stages, and has mostly been completed in animal models, it does appears that exercise and calorie restriction helps to activate sirtuins, though a specific link between this and fat loss — or specifically, burning more fat in place of carbohydrates — has not been proven.Despite the lack of scientific evidence to support the Sirtfood diet, as a model the diet focuses on phases of extreme calorie restriction as well as eating loads of the foods thought to contain these sirtuin-activating compounds such as antioxidant-rich citrus, berries, cocoa, kale and red wine.The Sirtfood diet prescribes two dietary phases.

And drink wine. Sirtuin-Aktivierende Lebensmittel: ... Beide Produkte gehören zum Metabolic-Programm von Dr. Juchheim. More likely it's explained by the severe caloric restriction cycled with regular eating, as well as the inclusion of foods that bring pleasure like red wine and chocolate, which tend to make diets easier to follow long term.How to take control of mindless snacking in isolationUltimately any diet that includes calorie restriction will work, if adhered to, but the chance you can achieve a 30-40-plus kilo weight loss without the support of intense regular workouts, tight calorie control, and even medical intervention is slim to none.Much more likely is it that Adele's vast resources and support network have facilitated her dramatic weight loss, and while Sirtfoods may have been a part of it, it's unlikely they alone are responsible for such significant weight a leading Australian dietitian and nutritionist, founder of, and prominent media spokesperson, with regular appearances in both print and television media commenting on all areas of diet, weight loss and nutrition.

the sirtfood diet is a diet of inclusion. It’s the latest diet craze everyone’s talking about, a diet rich in ‘sirtfoods’. Indeed, consuming as few as 1000 calories a day will result in relatively quick weight loss as the body's glycogen stores are depleted, along with the extra fluid they hold. Her trainer, Pete Geracimo, is a huge fan of the diet and says the singer lost 30 pounds from following a sirtfood diet.