English. Ute Schaeffer has been DW Akademie's deputy head since 2014 and was previously Deutsche Welle's editor-in-chief.Deutsche Welle's website has a section dedicated to providing material for those who are interested in learning the German language.This article is about the German international broadcaster.
April 2019)„Die Deutsche Welle, die seit 1953 wieder Kurzwellensendungen aus Deutschland ausstrahlt, knüpft in ihrer Arbeit bewußt an den Weltrundfunksender der Weimarer Zeit an.
Am neuen Standort in Bonn werden nur mehr die Hörfunksendungen produziert. August 2014 gab der Sender bekannt, dass die journalistischen Inhalte auch über das Satellitennetz von Außerdem können die Radioprogramme der DW über sechs Satelliten aufgenommen werden, deren Empfangsgebiet dem terrestrischen Empfang entspricht (westliches Asien und Afrika; gleiches Programmangebot). 1974 begannen in Köln die Bauarbeiten an dem von der Mit der deutschen Wiedervereinigung im Jahre 1990 wurde der Sendebetrieb von Am 1. April 2019)Mitglieder des Rundfunkrats der Deutschen Welle (ab März 2019)Mitglieder des Verwaltungsrats der Deutschen Welle (seit 1. Based on the previous logo, with the addition of the ARD "one as a trademark" device. The broadcaster's stated goals are to produce reliable news coverage, provide access to the German language, and promote understanding between peoples.DW has been broadcasting since 1953. Ab 1964 sendete die DW auch auf Griechisch, Italienisch, Hindi und Urdu, ab 1970 auf Paschtu und Dari. It is headquartered in Bonn, where its radio programmes are produced. 1995–2012 1995-2013. Silcock explains his research by saying, "Transporting an understanding of the past – this German national myth – through global television was an unarticulated, but very present, goal of the Deutsche Welle’s news organization." Mas essa associação nada teve a ver com a "Deutsche Welle" fundada em 1953. DW-TV Asia (DW-TV Asien in German) contains 16 hours of German programming and 8 hours in English, whilst DW-TV Asia+ contains 18 hours of English programmes plus 6 hours of German programmes.In August 2009, DW-TV's carriage in the United Kingdom on In 2011, DW announced a major reduction of service including the closure of most of its FM services in the Balkans (except for Audio content in Arabic is distributed online, via mobile, or rebroadcast by partners. Die deutschen Standorte befinden sich in Bonn und Berlin, wobei Bonn als Sitz der Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts fungiert. Deutsche Welle no longer uses any of its transmitters in Germany. Deutsche Welle logo (1995–2012), intended to suggest a radio wave, although it drew comparisons to the Nike There has also been controversy in the way the German broadcasters of DW cover domestic stories. Lange wurden die Programme ausschließlich über Kurz- und Mittelwelle ausgestrahlt. Die Deutsche …
The Wertachtal site was authorized in 1972 and began service with four 500 kW transmitters. In March 2009, DW-TV expanded its television services in Asia with two new channels, namely DW-TV Asia and DW-TV Asia+. (April 2020) Neue Deutsche Welle (NDW, pronounced [ˈnɔʏə ˈdɔʏtʃə ˈvɛlə], "New German Wave") is a genre of West German rock music originally derived from post … Deutsche Welle (German pronunciation: [ˈdɔʏtʃə ˈvɛlə]; "German wave" in German) or DW is a German state-owned public international broadcaster. Further cuts are still expected.In 2003, the German government passed a new "Deutsche Welle Act", which defined DW as a tri-media organization, making the Deutsche Welle website an equal partner with DW-TV and DW Radio.