Xysticus is a genus of ground crab spiders described by C. L. Koch in 1835, belonging to the order Araneae, family Thomisidae. It is also found in damper habitats. Females of typical species reach a maximum of 10 millimetres (0.39 in) of body length, while their males are about 3–5 millimetres (0.12–0.20 in) long, about half the size of the females. Xysticus cristatus ist paläarktisch verbreitet (World Spider Catalog 2016). In both sexes, the dark triangle on the carapace ends in sharp, defined point. The male has an unusual method of mating with the female.
The basic colour of these species is usually brown, beige or gray. Confirmation requires microscopic examination of the genitalia of adult specimens. This species occurs on the ground or in low vegetation.March to August but mainly seen in spring and early summer.Spends much time sitting still, with its fore-legs spread wide, waiting for insects to blunder into them. It is also found in damper habitats. Présentation de Xysticus cristatus (Xystique crêté) : noms scientifiques et vernaculaires, statut de protection (listes rouges, réglementations), statut biologique en France Métropolitaine, données historiques et contemporaines.

The genus name is derived from the Ancient Greek root xyst, meaning "scraped, scraper". The The species are often very similar to each other, and in most cases can be distinguished only by a microscopic examination of the reproductive organs. Based on collected data, the geographic range for Xysticus cristatus includes 1 countries and 0 states in the United States. Xysticus ulmi is similar but lacks the sharp and dark point at the end of the triangle on the carapace. Körperlänge: bis 10 mm. Lebensweise Sitzt in familientypischer Manier im Unterwuchs oder auf niedrigen Pflanzen und lauert dort auf Beute.
Called 'crab spiders' because, as the name suggests, they sometimes move in a crab-like way, from side to side. He then ties her down to the ground with threads of silk. Die innerartliche Zeichnungsvariabilität der Xysticus-Arten ist hoch. Le triangle céphalique de Xysticus (cristatus) se termine en une pointe aigüe noire. Most species of the genus Xysticus are small to medium sized spiders. In grass it adopts a flexible hunting position either at the tips of vegetation, such as flowerheads, or on the ground surface and as a result, the prey taken is varied and is made up of flying insects, including bees and butterflies. Xysticus cristatus is an ambush hunter which spends much time sitting still, with its fore-legs spread wide, waiting for insects to blunder into them. Das Opisthosomaist im Allgemeinen gelbbraun, rötlich-braun bis dunkelbraun gefärbt. When it hunts on the ground the food tends to consist of ants, spid… Zudem sehen sich einige Arten sehr ä… Identification difficulty Xysticus cristatus May. Das Prosomabesitzt meist dunkel gefärbte Seiten und ein helles Mittelband, in dem ein etwas dunkleres Kopfdreieck liegt.

Microscopic examination of the genitalia is necessary to confirm identification.Confirmation requires microscopic examination of the genitalia of adult specimens. Recording the wildlife of Leicestershire and RutlandThe female grows to a length of around 8 mm whilst the male is a little smaller, growing to around 5 mm and much darker. Wie die allermeisten Krabbenspinnen The abdomen has a broad middle band bordered by two darker rows of triangular marks. They show a sexual dimorphism in size. Die dunklere Oberseite trägt oft eine helle Blattzeichnung, die von Querlinien unterbrochen wird. Predatory on other invertebrates, including ants, which most other spiders avoid, and often taking prey much larger than themselves. Xysticus cristatus (Clerck, 1758: 136) ZooBank Original genus: Araneus Synonyms [] Xysticus augur Strand, 1900 Xysticus sexangulatus Strand, 1900 References [] Clerck, C. 1758 [1757]. Xysticus cristatus spiders have been sighted 1 times by contributing members. Il est entouré d'une zone blanche bien visible ici qui ne remonte pas jusqu'à la ligne des yeux. Finally he crawls underneath her to mate. First he grabs hold of one of her legs and waits until she stops struggling.